Saturday 25 July 2009

Day 3 - Calais to Croisse sur Celle

Wednesday Blog,

So after the accidents, trials and tribulations of Day 2, we embarked on the ominous 103-mile ride into Amiens, or so we thought! It turns out that £400 worth of bicycle sat nav can’t actually buy you a fricking clue when it comes to navigating through France! Also, getting used to riding on the ‘wrong’ side of the road was a massive ballache and caused some initial confusion (mainly for me), so, after a few minor detours, plenty of phone calls to the support car, we were faced with a total of 122 miles. Now that last sentence doesn’t really do justice to the way the three of us manned it up during the longest of days on the ride. Andy was having some issues with his knee, but continued to tough it out with the LL Cool J style cycling technique.

Day 3 was fairly uneventful until the latter stages. By Amiens we were wishing that Steve and Sonny had booked us into a nearer hotel, but unfortunately that wasn’t to be the case! Torrential rain hit us with about 40 miles to go and the weather conditions nearly became too unsafe to ride in. Along with this, the French really know how to build some hills. Every town appears to be in a valley with a long descent in, but an even bigger climb out. It turns out that 4 mile long hills aren’t the greatest fun in the world at 8pm while it’s pouring it down.

We made a quick stop for refuelling and a change into waterproof gear and then we were off again! By this time the weather was bordering on dangerous, with the dark clouds setting in overhead. We soon became delirious due to a mixture of pain, tiredness, and all around fatigue, so holding your breath while going up a hill competitions ensued (note they are not a good idea). We were now at the point where we were laughing about how ridiculous the situation was. We could not believe how wet we were, and were praying for the next break in the cloud….and we still had to climb hill after hill after fricking hill!

With about 15 miles to go Andy’s knee problem became contagious and I developed a similar injury, but in the back of beyond in the depths of France you can’t nip to the local Boots and pick up a knee brace, so it was a case of sticking the ipod on loud and just ploughing on. We wanted to get some photos of us in the rain, so we could try and convey to people just how bad the conditions were. In keeping with the day’s events, this was more difficult than we first thought. It turns out that 3 blokes shouting and waving for the car to slow down doesn’t work, so Craig ‘Cavendished’ it up and chased the girls down. Eventually, we got our photo opportunity and we continued on to the hotel.

After a delirious comment of “stupid French can’t even make a proper storm” the rumblings of thunder and cracks of lightning started! We got into the hotel at some ridiculously late time (I forget exactly). The hotel was worth the extra few miles. Rooms were good, town was peaceful, there was no one playing drum n bass all night long, so a good night’s sleep was in sight at last. We did get fed first with an excellent home cooked French meal, and although it was 4 courses, I wish it had been 8!

I have to say this was a day when you had to think about the reason why we were even contemplating this ride in the first place. In the space of three weeks before the ride 3 people that either 1 or all of us knew had lost their battles with cancer. For me personally and I’m sure the other guys were the same, I had these people at the forefront of my mind when things got tough. Thinking about the pain these people had to go through makes a bit of thigh pain and a steep hill pale into insignificance.

So, we hit the hay to get some good rest before we rode into Paris and with 2 of us still in the big cog competition it was all to play for. Paris here we come!!!!!!!!!!


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